3 Outdoor Fireplace Design Ideas to Incorporate into Your Backyard Design in Brighton and Birmingham, MI

3 Outdoor Fireplace Design Ideas to Incorporate into Your Backyard Design in Brighton and Birmingham, MI

Now could be the right time to choose a dazzling outdoor fireplace design that would elevate the beauty and function of your Brighton and Birmingham, MI, backyard. Incorporate any of these outdoor fireplace plans in your backyard, you can end your days by the fire whenever you want.

Related: Ideas for Situating an Outdoor Fireplace or Fire Pit Alongside Your Outdoor Kitchen This Year in SE Michigan

Stone Fireplace and Brick Paver Floor

Natural stone and brick have the distinct advantage of working well in a landscape design and can complement any home style with their classic look and timeless appeal.

Choosing a unique shape can bring more visual interest to these material choices. A traditional rectangular fireplace may never disappoint, but there is also the option of arced curves that sweep up toward the sky. Nearby built-in seating could act as a calling card to party guests when the flames start up, triggering them to wind down toward the end of the night with an intimate gathering by the outdoor fireplace.

Would you want your fire feature to stand out or be more subtle? An outdoor fireplace can be designed to seamlessly become a part of the backyard form, or it can become the central feature, serving as a focal point that draws you and your guests out toward one particular spot in the backyard. With quality, stain-resistant brick paver flooring, clean-up would simply entail an easy sweep at the end of the party, with no worry about lasting marks.

Extend your enjoyment of the fireplace by considering the addition of a pizza oven. Piping hot, homemade pizza provides a weekly answer to the “what’s for dinner” conundrum or gives you an instant party theme when family birthdays come around on the calendar.

Grecian Inspired Outdoor Fireplace

When “over the top” is your style, your outdoor fireplace can reflect your personality, with a firebox that is wide and deep, and calls attention to itself. Composed of gorgeous wall stone in a gray tone, this can form the basis for the fireplace, which then can fan out into another wall stone in a compatible stone or brick on each side. The chimney can narrow into a smaller rectangle as it goes toward the sky. While the fireplace is meant to serve a functional purpose, it also provides a visual display that compels people to admire it and sit by it.

Nooks for additional dry firewood on one side and built-in seating on the other side can bring balance. The firelight can bring a warm ambient glow to the landscape and nearby lanterns can add to the effect. With dimming capabilities, you can brighten the lighting as much or as little as you wish.

Outdoor Fireplace with Waterfall

Bringing fire and water can have an incredible effect, including for the design of an outdoor fireplace. Decorative wall stone in tones of tan can form a pretty fireplace, but what could really catch the eye will be the wall fountains on each side of the fire feature. Incorporated into the retaining walls that flank each side, fountains could spill a soothing sound and sight into a basin below.

Classic or modern, adding an outdoor fireplace to your backyard can enhance the beauty and enhance the ambiance of your landscape.

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