4 Unfortunate Consequences of Neglecting the Need for Commercial Snow Removal in Bloomfield, MI

4 Unfortunate Consequences of Neglecting the Need for Commercial Snow Removal in Bloomfield, MI

When a big storm hits your Bloomfield, MI, commercial location, the employees and building inhabitants must still come and go as usual. Neglecting the need for timely snow removal can bring potentially costly injury claims and future landscape problems.

The impact of snow preventing users of a commercial location from attending work because of the dangers of parking in a snow-filled lot can be financially costly. Losses to businesses due to employees not having safe access to the building can impact the bottom line. 

The snow can also impede timely deliveries, further slowing down the pace of work. Consider these unfortunate consequences of poor snow planning.

Related: What Does Commercial Snow Removal Entail in Grosse Pointe, MI?

Damage to the Landscape

While it’s a risk that may not be top of mind, snow and ice can cause significant damage to your landscape—damage that becomes apparent only once the winter is over and spring comes. The constant freeze/thaw cycle of snow and ice left on the sidewalks and parking lot, not to mention the grassy areas, can cause the pavement to crack and grow wider. 

The weight of the ice may bring about broken, jagged branches that can be a way for disease and pests to enter the tree and spread, causing the tree to die. At times people may be tempted to walk on the grassy areas over the walkways to avoid the ice that can accumulate there. This constant foot traffic can kill the grass underneath the snow, something that you will find out once the snow thaws. 

Liability for Injuries

When entry from the main road, parking lots, and walkways are covered in snow and ice, there is the very real possibility that people coming and going from the location could slip and fall. The need for costly medical help and potential lawsuits may follow. This takes time and money away from the operation of the building. 

Loss of Business

Although employees and anyone else who spend significant time on your property are accustomed to the Bloomfield, MI, snow, too much snow and ice can bring about a loss of business that could be difficult for many businesses to handle financially. Ensuring that people can come and go safely can reflect the support you have for the companies that have invested in your property. 

Damage to Buildings

Older buildings especially can suffer a roof collapse or lingering problems from the snow that builds up around the foundation of the structure. Even newer buildings can sustain damage from snow surrounding the base of the building and in the landscape. When the weather warms up is when the problems become evident, potentially costing thousands in repairs. 

How Snow Management Pros Can Help

  • Bulk salt and deicer: The experts are always ready with bulk salt and deicer in multiple locations so that you don’t have to worry that they will run out before they get to your location. 

  • Snow loaders: With snow loaders of every size, they can handle huge worksites and parks quickly and efficiently while also having the availability for smaller locations, too. 

  • Full-service management: They will keep your operations smoothly with a large fleet, dependable supplies, and fast service to respond when you need them.

The long and short of it is that your snow management pros are always stocked and ready to roll to protect you and your tenants from the hazards of snow and ice. 

Related: What to Expect from Commercial Snow Removal in Brighton, MI