5 Landscape Design Ideas That Incorporate Repurposed Materials in Grosse Pointe, MI

When you want something completely unique for your Grosse Pointe, MI, yard, consider how repurposed materials could play a part in your new landscape design. With the guidance of landscape experts to help you plan out enhancements to your yard, you’ll be exposed to the wide variety of styles and types of projects that can bring some pizzazz to your home.

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More Privacy 

A “living” wall of shrubs to separate your yard from the neighbor’s or a gorgeous stone wall could feature a gate composed of repurposed metals. Decorative pieces of metal could become part of a grid style fence. Each piece of can be hand-selected to add a vintage vibe to your wall, adding to a one-of-a-kind privacy look for your property. 

Other ideas for repurposed materials for a dividing, privacy line could be decorative tiles incorporated into the wall, to can add color and pattern to the overall feel of the yard. 

Special Touches on the Bar

Your beautiful new outdoor kitchen, dining area, and bar could feature a special touch in the form of recycled metal roofing. Since metal roofing comes in an array of colors, you could even use different colors to create a specific bar look. You could also incorporate vintage signs that you love—your imagination is the only limitation when it comes to the decor of your outdoor living spaces.

The bar could feature durable stone material, and then all you would need to add is a small refrigerator and a power outlet, to have a ready-made space for parties or family gatherings. 

Fragmented Patio

For an unusual addition to your patio area, concrete or stone fragments could be used as stepping stones, to create a natural looking pathway to the rest of your landscape. If they are composed of durable, weather-resistant materials, these stones could complement the overall look you’re trying to achieve. 

You and your landscape specialist can discuss the available materials and work together to achieve the aesthetic you have in mind.

Fire Pit Seating

If your next landscape design project involves a modern fire pit, you have an opportunity to get creative with the seating arrangements. Leftover stumps or large flat rocks could be used for nature-inspired seating around the fire. When formed into a circle over gravel, large boulders can greatly add to the overall look of a unique fire pit that blends with nature and requires no special attention to serve as the focal point. 

Pallet Planting

Old pallets can make excellent planters when hung on a fence wall or on the side of the house. This can be an ideal place for planting herbs that you want to use in dishes that you cook, or you can plant trailing flowers to dress up your outdoor space. 

Sustainable and repurposed projects are becoming more popular with many homeowners as they focus on caring for the environment and practicing wise use of materials. These materials not only can give you a completely one-of-a-kind outdoor project or landscape feature, but they can help you inspire you as you consider the many options for creating the kind of landscape that you will love for many years to come. 

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