A Day in the Life of a Commercial Snow Removal Company in Novi and Birmingham, MI, Areas

A Day in the Life of a Commercial Snow Removal Company in Novi and Birmingham, MI, Areas

You know what your busy workday looks like, but a day in the life of a Novi and Birmingham, MI, area commercial snow removal service starts well before the sun comes up and continues until all of the work is done. Here are the things that happen to keep your commercial property accessible for everyone who conducts business there. 

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Equipment Inspection

Keeping a large fleet of snow removal equipment working continuously requires an on-site full-service management process. When the snow hits, there is no time to repair the machinery needed to keep commercial sites clear. Proactively protecting outdoor spaces requires a snow removal service to regularly inspects all of the equipment and schedules any necessary repairs so that all plows are ready to go at a moment's notice.

A fast response time can be impacted by faulty machinery, and this is why a snow removal service needs to have employees who are skilled at maintaining reliable, durable equipment.

Abundant Supplies

Storing bulk salt and deicing supplies right on-site at the snow service headquarters makes it so that ample supplies are available at any time, and the service is not dependent on a supplier to have enough product for heavy usage during a snowstorm. Additional salt and other supplies strategically located at various locations can mean that there is less travel time from loading to spreading. 

Snow Plowing

High-capacity snow loaders can make short work of clearing the large spaces characteristic of commercial locations—parking lots, worksites, and walkways can be snow-free quickly and efficiently. A reliable snow removal service may have a variety of snow plow sizes to keep any size industrial lot ready for business. 

Ideally, a commercial snow removal service does not just move the snow around into piles that line the edges of the parking areas and walkways. Instead, they remove the snow from the property when possible for extra safety precautions. Shoveling the sidewalks tends to be a routine service, but removing the sidewalk snow from the property can be a practice that sets the average apart from the superior service. 


Any company can buy some snow plows and offer snow removal services. Still, a certified company has the credentials to convey confidence and assurance that they are well-trained for snow removal of any size. 

Advanced Snow Manager certification allows snow professionals to train their personnel for safety, efficiency, and skill. Recognized as the standard for professionalism and excellence in snow removal, the Certified Snow Professional designation means that a snow service is focused on offering excellence and professionalism in the work performed. 

Trusted to Serve Top-Level Companies  

When you see that other top-level facilities have chosen a snow removal service to handle their location needs, reinforcing that a specific snow service is a smart choice. After all, when business rides on employees' and clients' ability to access a location, having an exact route to parking and entering the building can be critical. 

Snow is a fact of life in Novi and Birmingham, MI, making choosing a reputable snow removal service an essential responsibility of commercial properties.

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