A Look at What “Landscaping Jobs Near Me” Are Happening in the West Bloomfield and SE Michigan Areas

Whether you need a lakeside retreat landscape refresh or a quaint cottage landscape upgrade, searching for “landscaping jobs near me” can yield some amazing ideas for a West Bloomfield and SE Michigan areas property. Landscape professionals are skilled at assessing a property to recommend the ideal landscape features that will bring out the best in any landscape and home plan. Here is how a landscape contractor can improve the function and beauty of a lakeside home. 

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Lakeside Front Yard Refresh 

Spending time at the lake should be focused on relaxation and fun in the water and not on worrying about the state of the grass each week. A landscape professional could recommend reducing the amount of grass in a lakefront home to keep the spaces green and functional but with less focus on grass and more on sustainable design choices. 

By adding a low retaining wall along the property border with your neighbor, the wall can create a clear separation between properties and tie the front and backyards together. By choosing small river rock instead of mulch and planting sustainable ornamental grass, the front yard can require minimal care to look exceptional in the summertime. 

Lakeside Backyard Oasis 

Since the backyard of the house frequently faces the lake, this can be where you might spend most of your time. A landscape contractor can start with an expansive patio that runs the length of the back of the house. Composed of patio pavers in a complementary color to the house, a large patio can hold your outdoor living features with plenty of space to spare. 

Wide stone steps can create a comfortable transition among the patio spaces that have different elevations. While the upper portion of the patio that is situated directly outside the back door can hold cushioned outdoor furniture, the lower portion of the patio can have a large fire pit where a group can lounge. 

Off to one side of the patio could be space allocated for a deluxe grill station, because who wants to be inside cooking on a gorgeous lake day? With two grills, a small refrigerator, and a clean-up station, you can make a delicious meal for family and friends in your outdoor kitchen while still being a part of the outdoor fun. 

You might want to plan a designated outdoor dining space with a large outdoor table and chairs for comfortable eating. Your landscape contractor can add a low retaining wall to the outdoor dining area for a functional shift of use. The retaining wall along with the fire pit and upper patio furniture can provide ample space for a large group to sit and eat. 

You might love the idea of having another fire pit away from the patio for the teenagers to hang. Whatever you envision, a landscape contractor can design and build for your retreat by the lake. 

Living Screens for Privacy 

If you don’t want fences along the property boundaries to screen your property from neighbors, a landscape contractor may suggest fast-growing evergreens to create a living screen that can shield your backyard from direct view. 

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