Boost the Value of Your Home With These Landscape Design Ideas in Brighton MI

Any real estate professional will tell you that refreshing the landscape can significantly boost the value of your Brighton, MI, home. With one look at the appearance of the landscape, buyers will decide whether they want to venture inside the home. Consider these design ideas to boost your landscape aesthetic and have a home that will sell. 

Whole Landscape Renovation

Boost the Value of Your Home With These Landscape Design Ideas in Brighton MI

Sometimes a landscape needs a complete do-over to finally become the outdoor space you’ve always envisioned and parts of the existing landscape should serve as the skeleton for the renovation. If you love spending time outdoors just as much as you enjoy the interior features of your home, total renovation makes sense. The outdoor living space should be an extension of the house. Once you achieve an outdoor space that serves your needs, while looking dazzling, then your house becomes a true home. Entrust your local landscape design/build specialist to utilize the potential stored within your property and enhance its best features.

Creative Stonework

Stonework marries the softscape, consisting of grass, plants and trees, to the hardscape in a distinctive way. A stone craftsman is a true artisan who can fit individual stones together to construct features that enhance a landscape. Because stone is so versatile, it can be used in outdoor fireplaces, outdoor kitchens and pillars or columns. Natural stone can be combined with durable pavers to create a patio that can accommodate a group of whichever size you wish to entertain. Stonework is ideal for constructing retaining walls with the purpose of highlighting some of the best parts of the property. When there is a slope to your backyard that prevents you from using that space to its full potential, stonework can provide the solution you need to produce a space with greater functionality.

Walkways and Porches

Just like clothing or cars, residential landscapes can become outdated and begin to look tired. If your walkways feature cracked concrete or stones, are missing sections, or are just too narrow to accommodate your guests comfortably, think about refreshing these walkways. Modern brick pavers are composed of a durable and elegant material that beautifies walkways and porches alongside its easy maintenance. Create a unique space by using these pavers and mixing different colors and patterns with borders and inlays. Enlarging a walkway so that visitors can walk side by side as they navigate the property will ensure that they don’t struggle to hold a conversation while walking in a single file. A gorgeous porch and wide steps tend to say, “Welcome! I am so glad you are here!” 

It Starts With a Vision

The vision for your Brighton, MI, landscape is where the process begins. The landscape design/build team will listen to your ideas, learn your preferences, and propose ideas that you may not have considered. Even if your vision is nothing more than bare bones, a design specialist can flesh it out into a visual that you can tweak. They will visit your property to assess the terrain and discuss a budget with which you are comfortable. Once you approve the 3D rendering of the desired end result, they will draw up a proposal that informs you of every part of the process. The project manager should also keep you up-to-date along every step of the way and address any questions or concerns you may have. Ultimately, the design/build process will bring your vision for your landscape to life.