Here’s How a Commercial Landscaping Team Can Transform Your Business’ Landscape Design in Ann Arbor, MI

Here’s How a Commercial Landscaping Team Can Transform Your Business’ Landscape Design in Ann Arbor, MI

The appearance of your business can show customers or tenants the value you place on some of the finest details, and that is why you may want an Ann Arbor, MI, commercial landscaping team to refresh your landscape design this year. When visitors come to this property and see lovely, carefully curated outdoor spaces, they will know that what awaits them in their interactions are likely to be just as great.

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Importance of Landscape for Business

When customers arrive at your business location to see colorful blooms and crisp landscape beds, this can reflect well on you and your company. Showing that you care about your commercial property can set the tone for the interactions with your customers. Safe, attractive surroundings can ease their mind and encourage them to become loyal customers since the overall experience is so positive. 

Ways to Transform Your Business Landscape

Unused space into a courtyard: A commercial landscape team can transform unused space between buildings into a lovely courtyard where employees and customers can enjoy the outdoor surroundings. 

Starting with a durable, textured patio paver that resembles natural stone, they can design a functional surface that stands up to heavy foot traffic and changing weather conditions. By installing native shrubs and flowers there, they can reduce the maintenance to minimal attention since these varieties bloom and bear deep green foliage because they thrive in the Ann Arbor, MI, climate.

Vines climbing up a pergola would lend some shade on hot summer afternoons and can give this previously vacant space a new life, while giving your tenants a welcoming place to spend their free time. 

New landscape features: Over time, older, lower quality walkways and other outdoor common areas may start to show their age, either in terms of quality breakdown or style. A commercial landscape service can correct those issues, such as through a new walkway and modern looking retaining walls that are built to last for many years to come. Cleanly styled, pristine features like these can indicate to your customers that your business does not cut corners when it comes to quality. 

Refresh the landscape design: In addition to new landscape features, a new landscape design for your commercial property can bring more beauty and order to your outdoor spaces in the form of beautiful trees and shrubs that can offer some much needed beauty and even shade, for an entirely fresh color palette. 

Revamp the entry: The entry to your business can make a crucial first impression. If it does not have eye-catching appeal and an enticing landscape design, your customers may take note. 

One option is to have a commercial landscape team upgrade the planting plan around the business sign. They can ensure the lighting is working and shines where it should after the sun goes down. 

They can remove plant overgrowth and provide updates such as native shrubs that thrive in the climate and terrain. They can ensure that your landscape offers a pop of seasonal color at the entry, too, as this will draw the eye and create a welcoming appearance.

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