Plant trees and shrubs for a beautiful, dimensional landscape.
Trees and shrubs bring your landscape to life. Trees are major elements of your landscape—they can be just as important as your patio in making your overall landscape beautiful and usable. If you look at your landscape as a room, tall tree canopies are the ceiling, smaller trees and shrubs are the walls, and low plants and grass are the floor. Proper placement of these natural elements helps create a dimensional landscape with a beautiful balance of vertical features, depth, and visual interest.
Proper tree and shrub placement is important whether you want a formal garden or a more natural-looking landscape. We plant the right trees in the right place to ensure not only the health of each tree, but to also optimize its benefits (shade, privacy, fall color, fruit, etc.). We treat shrubs with the same attention to health, function, and beauty.
“When we moved into our newly built home, we used Troy Clogg Landscape Associates. We were extremely pleased not only with the design but also quality of installation, materials, and plants/scrubs. We highly recommend this company”